Tag: CSA

Winter Veggies

One question I’ve been asked several times recently is how long we plan on doing our vegetable delivery. Matt and I have discussed this and we decided that we will continue over the winter until we get a delivery that we just feel wasn’t worth the money.  From what we understand, the place we get ours from will continue delivering…

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Odds and Ends

As we headed into fall, Matt and I came face to face with one of our dilemmas that we knew was coming. We had no idea how to cook most root vegetables. The thought of turnip, parsnip, rutabagas, and beets filling up our basket frankly terrified us. We muddled through a few recipes (beet spaghetti was a fabulous find!) before…

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5th and 6th baskets

Ok, so I’ve been lazy and here are 2 posts in one: 5th basket carrots onion 2 zucchini broccoli pea shoots microgreens 6 yellow potatoes 2 tomatoes garlic scapes salad greens red leaf lettuce 7 cremini mushrooms snow peas sugar snap peas swiss chard 6th basket salad greens red leaf lettuce carrots pea shoots microgreens white mushrooms celery swiss chard…

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Weeks 5 and 6 – third basket

[Note: the photos that originally accompanied this post have been lost to the sands of time] While we still think that $50 a week is pretty pricey, I also have to admit that we could not do this basket delivery every week. We would never be able to go through everything in a week. We will tend to eat the…

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Weeks 3 and 4 – second basket

Our inventory for this week had us in better spirits: pea shoots microgreens 1 red pepper 1 onion 1 head of romaine lettuce bag of carrots (approx 10) 2 sweet potatoes 3 yellow potatoes 3 purple top turnips bag of radishes mixed greens white mushrooms (approx 10) asparagus broccoli kale On first impression, I was overjoyed that we would not…

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Weeks 1 and 2 – first basket

After much anticipation, our first basket of veggies arrived; Matt vocalized his disappointment quite quickly as it did not contain nearly as much food as expected. After reminding ourselves that the season is still early, we commenced our inventory: 1 giant leek 1 orange pepper 1 head of red lettuce 1 sweet potato 4 yellow potatoes 1 onion 8 white…

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